🎁[AK] Maia Deluxe Bento Head ANNIVERSARY GROUP GIFT🎁

🎁For its anniversary, the Akeruka store gives us a great gift: Maia Deluxe Bento Head. You must join the group that costs 150L$
🎁Por su aniversario, la tienda Akeruka nos da un grandioso regalo: Cabeza Bento Deluxe Maia. Debes unirte al grupo que cuesta 150L$
- Mesh Head
- HD Layers
- Mesh Eyes
- Mesh Braces
- Mesh Piercing tongue
- HD Eyes and Lips Layer
- Head HUD
- Animation HUD
- Teeth HUD (Plus Vampire and Monster teeth)
- Eyebrow Shaper
- Body Skin to match the head skin that come on your HEAD HUD. (for Maitreya / Belleza / Slink /Omega)
- Applier designer KIT

⏳It will be as Gift for ONLY 15 DAYS!!! (From 31.05 until 15.06). The 16 june will be the Male Group Gift!
Estará como regalo sólo por 15 días (Hasta el 15 de Junio. El 16 de Junio saldrá el regalo para los hombres!

📍Shape original/Original Shape

📍Shape modificado/ Modified shape



📌Flickr Akeruka: https://flic.kr/p/26mju52


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